Unity in Marriage - Choosing to Love in a Difficult Marriage (2 Part Video)

Online Workshops | Unity in Marriage - Choosing to Love in a Difficult Marriage (2 Part Video)

Unity in Marriage - Choosing to Love in a Difficult Marriage (2 Part Video)

Cost: $0
What biblical realities should husbands and wives meditate on to handle times when their spouse is not making it easy to love him or her? Faith in the person of God, the promises of God, and the perspectives of God is the victory that can overcome sinful reactions in marriage. The key to any effectiveness we have had in marriage counseling at the Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center has been based on the Spirit using the Word to motivate a deeper faith and love in the heart of a spouse whose love has grown cold.

What will motivate you to loving action when you are in a desert marriage? When the love you give is not returned? When you are ignored or when trust has been betrayed? How will you move to loving action and godly repentance so that you can begin to pursue the purposes that God have for the marriage relationship?

The Puritan John Owen says that faith in Christ is the root from which all Christian practice grows. Galatians 5:6 says that the only thing that matters is faith expressing itself in love.   If this be true than Biblical counselors must learn to use presenting relational trials as opportunities to inspire counselees to greater faith-motivated hope and love, not just obedience.  What unseen biblical realities should we discuss and meditate on with husbands and wives struggling to love in desert marriages?  In this second part of how to love in a difficult marriage, learn how to use the scriptures to move couples to God-glorifying, faith-motivated loving action.  The key to the effectiveness of the marriage counseling at the Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center is based on the Spirit using the Word to motivate faith in the unseen realities of Scripture. This is the third and forth session of this 19 session conference presented by the Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center “Unity in Marriage: Two Becoming One”.


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