Do you want to receive specialized ACBC certificated training?
We offer all three online.
1. Specialization in Marriage Counseling
2. Specialization in Reconciliatory Counseling
3. Specialization in Addiction Counseling

Marriage Counseling Specialization
Who should take this course?
This course is designed for the pastor, counselor, or people-helper wanting specialized training in helping couples experiencing difficulty from a counseling organization that has a 70% success rate. This course meets the ACBC continuing education requirements for existing ACBC certified members to obtain the marriage specialization designation. You will gain specialized tools, approaches, and insights to help couples break free of conflict and grow in unity and intimacy.
How will I learn and be equipped in this course?
This study will equip you in being able to counsel couples on virtually any issue through learning the elements of the Unity in Marriage At-A-Glance Chart. You will take part in an online class discussion to help you apply what you are learning through case studies and Q & A. You will deepen your retention of the material through learning a process of memorization and meditation focused on 15 scriptures used most frequently in marriage counseling.
What topics are covered in this course?
You will learn the same biblical topics and insights used since 2003 by the Lord to open eyes, motivate hearts, and restore marriages in desperate situations. The Unity in Marriage Course intensively covers the following topics in 17 recorded sessions: The Cause of Conflict, How to Change Biblically, Faith-Motivated Love in Marriage, Biblical Communication, Biblical Roles: Husband & Wife, Managing Responsibilities, Leaving and Cleaving with Levels of Intimacy, Sexual Satisfaction, and Financial Unity.
May the Lord use this course to transform your counseling and intensive discipleship to couples in conflict.
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Reconciliatory Counseling Specialization
Are you in conflict with another person – your spouse, child, or another family member, a co-worker, a neighbor, a brother in the church? Sometimes we are tempted to back off in fear. Sometimes we blow up in anger. In this intensive course, you will learn a biblical approach that God has used at the Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center to change and heal destructive relational dynamics in hundreds of relational conflicts. In this course, we dig into the Scriptures as God's Spirit empowers and equips you in the wisdom of the humility of Christ. You will become an influence for positive change and peace.
Who should take this course?
This course is designed for the pastor, counselor, or people-helper wanting specialized training in helping others deal with their intense conflicts and to do so with the Gospel of Christ and God's Word as the motivation and model. This course meets the ACBC continuing education requirements for existing ACBC certified members to obtain the marriage specialization designation. You will gain specialized tools, approaches, and insights to help couples break free of conflict and grow in unity and intimacy.
How will I learn and be equipped in this course?
God has used the glory of Christ's humility taught throughout this course to lead participants to the wisdom of humility promised in Proverbs 11:2 in dealing with conflict. This interactive study will equip you in being able to counsel people in virtually any relational conflict through learning the elements of the Peace-Promoting Process. You will take part in an online class discussion to help you apply what you are learning through a counseling observation recording, a case study and Q & A. You will deepen your retention of the material through learning a process of memorization and meditation focused on 15 scriptures used most frequently in biblical reconciliatory counseling.
What topics are covered in this course?
You will learn the same biblical topics and insights used since 2003 by the Lord to open eyes, motivate hearts, and bring peace in intense conflicts. The Unity in Conflict Course intensively covers the following topics: How to be a person of spiritual influence in conflict; Pursuing three basic goals in conflict; Identifying three basic types of discord in relationships: factual, functional, and fundamental; How to remove conflict-producing pride and idolatrous lusts; Five filters to determine if you should share a concern; How to share a concern and speak the truth in a volatile relationship; How to maintain and motivate biblical humility in conflict when it remains heated and unresolved; How to keep practically loving a person in conflict; How to involved others properly in conflict.
May the Lord use this course to transform you and your marriage if you are in need of intensive or basic help. May the Lord use this course to equip you in providing intensive guidance to couples in conflict.
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Addiction Counseling Specialization
This new online certified course brings together years of successful biblical counseling to help you overcome stubborn addictions (Drugs, Alcohol, Sexual, Digital & Gambling). Whether you need freedom or seek to help others, the hope projects, strategies, and insights will motivate and guide to victory.
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