Making Wise Decisions (2 Part Video)

Online Workshops | Making Wise Decisions (2 Part Video)

Making Wise Decisions (2 Part Video)

Cost: $10.98
MAKING WISE DECISIONS Life is a succession of decisions, punctuated by choices. Learn how to avoid making unwise decision by using the wisdom of the Word. Have you ever made a decision like one of these five poor decision makers? 1) The Fool; 2) The "Spiritualizing" Fool; 3) The Indecisive; 4) The Lazy & Distracted; 5) The Independent & Boastful. These two trainings, "Making Wise Decisions" will cover this in more detail and help you apply it to your life and counseling others as well.


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6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
